I was reading at a small local library in Maricopa, Arizona when an elderly librarian woman reaches to touch my shoulder and says,"I'm so sorry to disturb you but I just wanted to congratulate you on being one of the very few people who actually come to the library and read books"
I smiled at her and before I could say a word she was gone. What shocked me the most was what I could have possibly replied to that? My mind stalled in thoughts of what urged a woman like herself to notice me at all.
Honesty is so beautiful, but also so fearing. To be noticed is really something else and to be greeted is also a very warm reward. I kinda wish my mother or father could have been there with me being that all my days in Elementary I was terrified to read. I had a very poor ability to read properly and instead of learning to read I memorized the words until Mrs. Slowik(Second Grade Teacher) noticed me.
It's funny that though in moments ago our weaknesses may have actually become our strengths. I relate my insecurities to reading as a child to many of the giants I still face today. The greatest being "Myself" and second being the honest truth.
In how many ways do we memorize our defenses, words, pains, failures, and escape routes?
If the truth is light and if our honesty becomes grace I must confess that I no longer shall fear rejection, but yet the fear not to learn. I rather save my memories for something greater ahead. Like I learned so long ago... there's no need to be perfect. I don't need to pretend I know how to read anymore. I don't need to memorize the words that I too can conquer with a little help.
"Will you notice me?"
-Hoceas E. Sandoval
Me gusta lo que escribiste, alguien dijo que si no puedes viaja, lee, esto enriquese la mente y amplia nuestro lexico, a mi tambien me gusta leer mucho. te amo. Hasta la victoria siempre!